Register for a company or musicians account

Welcome to the login / registration section of the Blyth Town Business / Musicians Directory.
If you are a business that is based or works in the Blyth area, you are free to promote your organisation on our site.
Please note, all entries are manually checked, so any additions will not be immediate.

It is our belief that advertising should be accessible to all, so we have teamed up with Widescope Web Design to offer a facility that allows companies, charities, and community groups to promote their organisation at no cost along with any events they may have.

If you are a musician or band, you can also register and submit your information and we'll help you get found online.


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Other ways to reach us

  • Email

  • Phone

    01670 542854

  • Mailing Address

    Suite G10, Blyth CEC
    Ridley Street, Blyth
    Northumberland, NE24 3AG